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Feline Urinary Disease Linked to Stress

Feline Urinary Disease Linked to Stress

Stress Cystitis in Cats: Urine Trouble

One of the more frustrating reasons that brings our feline friends to the vet is a condition known as Feline Interstitial Cystitis (FIC for short). The word, “cystitis” means inflammation of the bladder. This common condition presents itself with signs of straining to urinate, urinating small amounts, urinating in inappropriate places like the bathroom sink or the laundry basket, and having bloody urine.

There can be multiple reasons for a kitty to display these signs; and check out our previous blog post on FLUTD for possible medical causes such as Urinary Stones and Urinary Tract Infections. Once these other causes are ruled out; we come to a conclusion of Stress Cystitis or FIC.

Interestingly, this condition in cats mirrors a similar condition in people; also known as Interstitial Cystitis, where the lining of the bladder and urinary tract become inflamed and urination is painful. The cause of this condition in cats and people is still not completely understood but seems to be related to an inappropriate stress response.

When cats with this condition are studied, we find that they have elevated levels of “catecholamines” or the stress mediators in the body that drive the “fight or flight” response. They have over-reactive reflexes and increased responses to stress in the body.

Many cats will also show other signs of stress:


-Digestive troubles

-Decreased activity levels and more hiding behaviours

-More aggression and destructive behaviours

One of the main ways that we can intervene to help treat this condition is by doing our best to reduce stress. We can do this by making one or two changes at a time to a cat’s home environment:

-Add another litterbox. We recommend at least 1 litterbox per cat in the household, and 1 additional litterbox

-Make sure litterboxes are somewhere easily accessible, private and out of sight in a quiet location

-Offer a canned food diet

-Increase human interaction – add more playtime into the day

-Scoop litterboxes twice daily, and change entire litter weekly

-Try an unscented and clumping litter

-Offer more perches and cat-trees and covered resting spaces

-Consider chaperoned visits to the outdoors, or enclosed patio spaces

-Ensure each cat in the household has its own food and water dish that is cleaned regularly and can eat without being disturbed

-Leave some music or TV on when cats are home alone

-Add in more toys, scratching posts and cat-grasses

More information for helping create a feline-friendly environment can be found at the Indoor Cat Initiative website (www.indoorcat.org).

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease


What is FLUTD? Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) refers to a group of conditions that affect the bladder and urethra of cats. Cats with FLUTD display one or more of these signs.

  • Urinate frequently and strain when they urinate.
  • Urinate outside of the litter box and in unusual areas.
  • Excessively lick at their genital area.
  • Have blood in their urine.


There are several causes of FLUTD but the most common are as follows:

  • Feline Idiopathic Cystitis: When everything else is ruled out, a diagnosis of Feline Idiopathic Cystitis is made. It is, by far, the most common cause of FLUTD, but unfortunately the least understood. (“Idiopathic” means “cause unknown”.) It is typically a recurrent condition. The underlying cause of Feline Idiopathic Cystits is unknown, but it has been shown to be associated with stress. Environmental changes, multiple pets, changes in food and feeding schedules are typical stressors in cats.
  • Urinary Tract Infections: Urinary Tract Infections are in fact not a common cause of FLUTD (especially in younger cats), but a urinalysis can determine whether or not this is the cause of FLUTD. Antibiotics is one common treatment for this infection.
  • Urinary Stones: Collections of minerals that form stones in the bladder and/or urethra. X-rays or ultrasound can be used to look for stones. Surgery is often required to remove these stones, however special diets can occasionally dissolve them. Dietary changes are often recommended to prevent recurrence.
  • Urethral Blockage: A true emergency; urethral blockage occurs when the urethra becomes partially or totally blocked. Stones or mucous plugs are frequently the cause of urethral blockage. Treatment requires urethral catheterization and hospitalization on IV fluids.
  • Tumors/Cancer: Cancer of the urinary tract is another less common, but potential cause of FLUTD.


  • Keep your kitty hydrated! Plenty of access to fresh water is very important. Some cats enjoy water fountains. Canned food can also help with this.
  • Multiple, regularly cleaned litter boxes (one more litter box than the total number of cats in the household is recommended). Litter boxes should also be kept in quiet and safe environments.
  • Minimize change in your kitty’s routine.
  • Play with your cat! Provide scratching posts, kitty condos, window perches- these will all enrich your cat’s environment.
  • Keep your cat lean! Obesity is a risk factor for FLUTD.