(250) 248-2031 - 7 Days a Week. 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM
  • Bellevue Veterinary Hospital is fully functioning, but the building is closed to the public, during the COVID-19 pandemic.  We are offering curbside service, and we request the use of face masks, even though we’re meeting you outdoors. We will be communicating with you outside (in the parking area) or on the phone, and then we’ll bring your pet into the hospital to proceed with care while you wait outside.

If you need to come to the clinic:

  • Please call our reception desk 250-248-2031 from the parking lot and we will proceed from there.
  • All cats must be in a carrier of some kind. Please do not remove them from this carrier in the parking lot!
  • All dogs must be on a leash and be capable of having us take them into the clinic without you at this time.
  • Some very nervous pets may need sedation for us to examine them without you. Sometimes this can be set up for you, ahead of time, before bringing the pet. We can discuss this option is you feel it might be necessary.


Bellevue’s Online Store may help with social distancing and convenience. After registering, you can browse and order pet food and non-prescription products (not medications) any time of day or night. Items can later be delivered to the clinic for you to pick up, or they can be delivered to your door (for a $10 fee).

In order to minimise contact at this time, we are continuing to offer telemedicine. We can consult and prescribe at a distance, when possible. Phone 250-248-2031 to enquire. (Sometimes emailed photos or videos are helpful to us, so keep this in mind. Some discussions may be done with video conferencing.)

Please alert us, before arriving, if you are experiencing any symptoms of illness within the last 10 days (coughing, weakness, fever, GI upset) or have had direct contact with someone who has had these symptoms or someone diagnosed with COVID-19.
Thank you so much for your patience during this time….  Please stay safe and healthy!